In recent days we have witnessed the tragic impact of repeated storms across much of the nation, with more on the horizon. More than 50 people have died thus far, with countless homes and businesses destroyed by the massive tornadoes. At the same time, we watched the news in horror as deadly shootings took place in Nashville and Louisville.
Chaplains minister in the wake of deadly tornadoes in Rolling Fork, Mississippi.
While we can’t stop the suffering in this world,
we can respond to it with the hope, comfort, and love of Jesus Christ. Thanks to your support, we immediately deployed crisis-trained Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains to several affected areas to offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and encouragement from Scripture. Psalm 34:17–18 says, “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed
in spirit” (ESV).
Chaplains in Rolling Fork, Mississippi, had the chance to visit with Carly,* who was home with her 6-year-old son when the tornado struck. Though her house was largely destroyed, Carly and her son were miraculously unscathed. As she sat and visited with the BG-RRT chaplains, Carly shared not only her story of surviving the tornado, but also her experience of walking away from the faith of her youth. Over the course of a casual conversation, the chaplains were able to share about the deep love of Christ—His death and resurrection—and how she could have a relationship with Him. With a heart full of sincerity, Carly “came home,” surrendering her eternity into the hands of Jesus.
For those who have placed their faith and trust in Jesus Christ, death has lost its sting. Because of Easter, we have the hope of the resurrection! Last month, we proclaimed that glorious truth around the world.
My father, Franklin Graham, recorded an Easter message in front of the Colosseum in Rome, which we broadcast on TV in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Italy, and several other countries, in addition to streaming it online all across the globe. The program, titled “The New Birth,” highlighted the Biblical story of Nicodemus (John 3) and featured music by Grammy Award-winning artist Michael W. Smith, a choir, and a chamber orchestra. It beautifully highlighted the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Following the airing, we were encouraged to hear from many who viewed the program, including Susan,* who has been in debilitating pain for nine months and was unable to go to church on Easter morning; Kelli,* who was mourning the recent death of her husband; and Frank,* who was struggling to pay off his medical bills and survive day by day. Through this program, God met each of these folks, and many others, at their darkest point with the hope of Christ’s resurrection. Matthew 11:28 says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (NKJV). Many found rest during this program, and we give God the glory for those who reached out to inform us that they responded in repentance and faith to the Good News of Jesus.
Will Graham shares an encouraging message from God’s Word with officers and their spouses during the law enforcement retreat.
The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team is also continuing its ministry to law enforcement personnel. We recently deployed chaplains to Huntsville, Alabama, after a police officer was killed in the line of duty, and last month we held a free three-day retreat for officers and their families in Texas. Attendees were encouraged and equipped by God’s Word and through fellowship with others in law enforcement.
The first day of the retreat, chaplains stopped by the local police department to encourage and bless the officers, and to invite them to take part in the event when it fit with their shifts. That evening, Mario showed up in uniform for dinner and the opening session. Mario—who has been a law enforcement officer for just two years—was drawn to the BG-RRT leadership and spent significant time visiting with many members of our team, each of whom spoke into the young man with encouragement and spiritual wisdom. Over the course of the evening, the Holy Spirit opened Mario’s eyes, and—with great joy in his heart—he placed his faith in Jesus Christ!
Officers and their spouses enjoy Christ-centered worship, fellowship, and messages at the National Law Enforcement Ministry retreat in Texas.
As we observe both the National Day of Prayer and Law Enforcement Appreciation Month in May, please join us in praying for law enforcement officers and their families. They put their lives on the line for us every day, and the attacks they’ve endured in recent years have many questioning their future. Thank you for joining us in giving them the support and encouragement that they need and deserve.
We are prayerfully preparing to proclaim the Gospel at events in the United States, Europe, and South America in the coming months.
As you are reading this, my father is in the middle of the God Loves You Tidewater Tour across Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina, and making plans for the God Loves You Tour U.K. in London. He’s also planning to hold Festivals in Essen, Germany, and Rome, Italy, later this year.
In July I will hold a two-day outreach at Chișinău Arena in Chișinău, Moldova. My father held a Festival in this formerly communist nation in 2005, and I’m grateful to return with the hope of Christ almost 18 years later. Moldova has been in the news lately due to its proximity to Russia and Ukraine, and this small country has welcomed Ukrainian refugees with open arms. I prayerfully believe the time is right for the proclamation of the Gospel in this pivotal nation.
In the fall, I’ll hold back-to-back events in Curitiba, Brazil (Sept. 16), and Idaho Falls, Idaho (Sept. 23–24), followed by an outreach in Canada. I’ll also share the Gospel in Hungary in November. The local churches in each of these areas are hard at work, preparing the way for the Gospel. Will you join me in praying over these congregations and cities—and ask God to open hearts to His life-changing message?
My grandfather Billy Graham once said, “Our chaotic, confused world has no greater need than to hear the message of good news—the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” That statement is just as valid and relevant today. Thank you for your faithful partnership as we carry together the light of Christ into a dark world. God is doing incredible things in our midst, and I’m grateful for your prayers and your sacrificial support.
God bless,
Will Graham
P.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms! You are so important and loved—a gift from God. Thank you for all that you do to impart faith into your children and grandchildren.
*Names changed to protect privacy
| Your contribution in support of the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team helps chaplains bring comfort in Christ’s Name to hurting communities and broken lives.
| You can help bring refreshment to those who protect and serve our communities. Your gift of any amount to our National Law Enforcement Ministry can help sponsor officers and their spouses to attend one of our events like appreciation dinners and retreats—and offer spiritual resources to many in need of hope.
| So many people are living without the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. When you send a gift for Evangelistic Crusades, you give people across the globe the opportunity to hear the Gospel message at Crusade events like Franklin Graham Festivals in Essen, Germany, and Will Graham Celebrations in Idaho Falls, Idaho.