Marching Onto a Spiritual Battlefield

“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age.” —Ephesians 6:12, NKJV

March 2022

Dear Friend,

Thank you for your unwavering support of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, as we carry the hope and joy of Jesus Christ around the world. You play a key role in seeing souls saved for eternity and we are grateful for you.

As I write this, I’ve just returned from Fredericksburg, Virginia. I was there to speak at a Celebration Rally, one of many events leading up to the Rappahannock Area Celebration that will take place in June. More than 200 people gathered for this meeting, where we worshiped and prayed together, laying the spiritual groundwork for the upcoming evangelistic effort.

While there, I contemplated the historic nature of this city. Situated halfway between Washington, D.C. (our nation’s capital), and Richmond, Virginia (the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War), an incredible amount of blood was shed in the region around the Rappahannock River.

“The stakes are clear. We are fighting for the souls of men and women, boys and girls.” The urgent message of the Gospel was shared with a crowd in Des Moines, Iowa, last fall.

The area was home to many well-known battles: Chancellorsville, Wilderness, Salem Church, and Spotsylvania Court House. The city of Fredericksburg itself became a battleground in December 1862.

It occurred to me that this area is still a battlefield—a spiritual battlefield. The stakes are clear. We are fighting for the souls of men and women, boys and girls. We’re marching into conflict, with arms outstretched to pull the lost from the grip of darkness and point them to the light of Jesus Christ.

Even now, the spiritual warfare “against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV) is underway. Please join me in covering the Fredericksburg region—and particularly our brothers and sisters in Christ who live there—in prayer.

Strengthening Military Marriages and Pastors

In recent weeks, we’ve seen incredible things happen at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove in Asheville, North Carolina, as various groups have come for spiritual growth and training. Just before Valentine’s Day, we hosted military couples for a special weekend-long marriage retreat.

A recent marriage retreat at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove was an opportunity for couples to fellowship with others who know the unique struggles that military service can bring to a marriage.

Our service members sacrifice greatly for the sake of this country, both home and abroad. As they give of themselves, it also impacts their relationship with their spouse. The retreat, with messages from Chip Ingram, was an opportunity for 93 couples to get away from the stress of life and service to work on their marriages.

“Thank you to everyone who makes it possible for this to be free for military couples. I don’t think we would have been here without that generosity,” said one attendee after the event. “We are leaving here refreshed, renewed in our marriage, and convicted/encouraged to grow spiritually and spend more time in God’s Word.”

Additionally, we recently held a Pastor Renewal Conference with Thom Rainer. Pastoral burnout is a major issue in the church today. A Barna study released in November 2021 found that 38% of pastors had considered quitting the ministry in the past year, and that number is even higher (46%) for pastors under the age of 45.

At this conference, pastors were encouraged, equipped, and strengthened to return to their mission field for ongoing ministry.

‘Maybe You’ve Just Lost Hope …’

My father, Franklin Graham, recently released a new 60-second TV spot, which aired on local and national networks as well as social media, and we’re seeing people respond to it every day.

Franklin Graham has been sharing short, Gospel-centered messages on TV and letting viewers know they can call the 24/7 Billy Graham Prayer Line.

“Are you pandemic weary?” he asked in the spot. “Maybe you think your life is in a mess.”

After sharing the Gospel, he directed people to call the 24/7 prayer line to talk with someone and begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.

>>Need prayer? Call the Billy Graham Prayer Line anytime day or night at 888-388-2683.

Since the beginning of the year, our prayer line team has answered more than 101,000 calls, and more than 1,000 people have prayed to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ.

Among those who recently called was Jason, a combat veteran who has spent years battling guilt and shame over some of the things he had to do in service to his country. He had come across the televised Gospel presentation and prayed along with my father, giving his life—and his burdens—over to Jesus.

Our prayer line representative was able to pray and rejoice with Jason, assuring him that the blood of Christ has the power to overcome his past.

Preparing for a Harvest in the United Kingdom

My father is also preparing to share the Gospel with people across the United Kingdom beginning in May through the God Loves You Tour. Many of you have stood beside us in prayer over the past couple years as we’ve fought for the opportunity to bring this message of hope to Great Britain. We’re thankful that God has provided victory in the battle, and the way is now paved for this proclamation of the Good News.

In recent weeks, we’ve had the opportunity to hold the Christian Life and Witness Course in dozens of cities and churches, equipping believers to share their faith with their friends, families, and neighbors.

One attendee thanked us for how practical the training was. “Christians need to share their faith more than ever,” he said. “Every Christian needs the skill that this class teaches.”

My friends, it is no secret that we are in a battle for the souls of our brothers and sisters. From Fredericksburg to London, soldiers to pastors, there are challenges and opportunities around every corner. Thank you for standing with us and supporting the ministry of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association with your prayers and support, for we know that “in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37, NKJV).

God bless,

Will Graham