“I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes.” —Romans 1:16, NKJV
“I believe that a time is fast approaching—I think it will be in my lifetime—when the preaching of the Gospel is referred to as hate speech. Preachers of the Gospel could be imprisoned and jailed for adhering to the Bible. It is already happening in some countries.
“I am not afraid or ashamed of the Gospel. We will proclaim the Gospel of Christ’s sacrificial death for sin and His triumphant resurrection as long as we have breath.”
—Franklin Graham
The Good News of Jesus Christ is not hate speech or bigotry. It’s God’s power that brings salvation to men, women, and children—and as individual lives are changed, entire communities and even our great nation can be transformed.
We are grateful for friends like you who are not afraid to stand up, speak out, and share this message. We praise God that you are willing to boldly proclaim, “I am not ashamed!”
When you sign this proclamation and complete the form on the right, we’ll send you updates on the lifesaving work of the Gospel around the world through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.